May 30, 2010

Help! I've fallen and I can't get up

In last year I've adapted the idea that life is a series of rises and falls, my one time roommate calls it the pit. She describes it as – sometimes you are on one side, its a little bit of flowers and a little bit of weeds, but things are decent... however, you know you are about to take a journey. Then you have a sometimes slow sometimes rapid decline into your pit... the pit is miserable, it's when you are just absolutely helpless and all wrapped up in the thorns – to me, it's like trying to run when you are holding your breathe. Then there is the incline, which is a lot of work... this is like after you have held your breathe for a long time that initial intake of panic – but for the most put the incline is when things start looking up. And then, lastly, there is the other side... the other side is glorious, to me... it's like watching a sun rise or set, its that powerful moment when you realize that the same God that made this event made you.

Right now... I'm so very much in my pit. Regardless of my efforts, regardless of out stretched hand... no one is lifting me out. I keep waiting and waiting, and crying out and crying out for God to pick me up... and nothing. I've pulled all my resources... I've got nothing left.

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