May 12, 2010

Silence is GOLDEN

After the most random series of events, I find myself sitting here questioning silence.

I was watching this video, a miniature little sermon about silence... The man on the video used the story of Elijah the Prophet hearing the voice of God – not in extravagant events, but in silence. He further explains the the Hebrew word that is translating in our English Bible is a word that would literally translate to mean no noise. Then the video proceeded... however, it was no longer a man talking – but simple white words on a simple black screen. The words were questions... like – are you afraid of silence? Are you ever in complete silence? Are you afraid of God's voice? Or what He might say?

After watching the video... the question came to my mind: is silence the absence of noise, or is it the ability to find stillness even in chaos?

And honestly I don't know... I think the right answer is the lack of noise, right? I mean the literal definition of Silence is “the absence of noise.” But couldn't silence also be finding peace, serenity – stillness – in noise?

I think God wants us to do both... both be in complete silence, and find Him even in craziness.

But I don't know... maybe my simple mind is over-complicating this, I'm human – I do that. Often.

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