April 01, 2013

Lovely Godly Women.

Do you ever just watch a woman live her life, and know that she takes every stride in effort to love the Lord - to be in service to Him? Do you ever hear their words, listen to their stories, and feel their strength and faith in every word?

I know women like this. I know quite a few of them. Specifically though, I know a family. A lovely little family. A family who loves the Lord, Mother and Father, who raised their daughters to serve the Lord with every aspect of their lives. This family has many daughters, so as they've grown older, they've developed into a family full of lovely Godly women. And, all of the women, who are of marrying age, are married to strong God-fearing men and are all raising lovely little children in righteousness. As for the women who aren't quite there in life, they are living righteous lives in single-hood and earnestly pursuing the will of God for their lives - in their state of being single. Some of them spent many years praying for God's love to be manifest into what is now their holy matrimony, others spent very little time waiting on the Lord to bring blessings bundled as husbands into their lives, and even then others have spent their time of singleness looking straight-forward on to the Lord and almost stumbled into the love of their husbands. Regardless, I've heard/read all of their journeys. I have watched them all grow. All develop. All take the strides that have gotten them to where they are today. Lovely Godly women, making movements as the Lord leads and trusting wholly in the God they love and serve.

These are such lovely Godly women.

Today, because I have no shame, I read all of these lovely wonderful women from this lovely little family's blogs about what God is doing in their lives... have I mentioned how beautiful their love for the will of God is? It is amazing to me that they all have made the choice to love God so earnestly. It is also a blessing to know that this is real life... that there are women out there living lives to love the Lord. I am so blessed.

I am just so encouraged that these women have chosen to surrender to God their lives... I mean their marriages, their children... everything. Everything they do is an act of service to God. And, that is amazing!

I just wanted to acknowledge, in my own unnoticed way, that God uses things... as simple as blog stalking mere acquaintances... to show you His truth.

So... Thank you to all of the lovely Godly women out there. You have changed my heart, encouraged my soul, and challenged me to be surrendered... to be willing... and to trust God's plans, for any and all things.

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