April 10, 2009

You don't see it, but I do...

Everyday words escape from my mouth, and everyday things that I say fall into the ears of those who are passing by, listening in, or conversing with me. Everyday something I do has an effect on someone else, and everyday my actions either further the Kingdom… or hindrance it. But really, how often am I aware of what I am doing to the world? How often do I think before I speak, think before I act?

One thing that has recently been heavy laden on my heart is who am I? What example have I set? What shoes do I fill, what role do I play in society?

I have always been an active believer in compassion. There are always hurting people in the world, who need a smile, or a hand, or word of encouragement. And honestly, how hard is it to say hi to someone in the hall, or open the door for someone, or tell someone they look nice that day. Compassion does not have to mean dropping everything to save someone’s life. Compassion does not have to mean great sacrifice. Compassion is just seeing the need, and doing something about it.

I have also always been an active believer in service. There are always people in need of help, who could just simply use an extra set of hands. And honestly, how hard is it to take a little time to help someone fold letters, or count tallies, or set up for an event. Service does not have to mean taking over the project. Service does not have to consume all your time. Service is just seeing the need, and doing something about it.

I too often hear complaints. “I do not have time for that,” “I do not know what they need,” “I wish I was better equipped.” But really, if you just took a little time to step outside yourself… you would see that most of the need in your world is not great. It is simple. Hands, feet, words, prayer, love, care… most everyone has those things. The Bible says in Matthew 17:20, that with the faith the small size of the mustard seed (which is not big at all) you can move mountains. So really, making a difference in your world does not take a large army… it does not even take a small one. One person. One person can be that helping hand that makes a world of difference. Because if it takes little faith to move mountains, just imagine how much difference a little bit of effort can make.

I know I am not perfect. I know I do not always say the right things, do the right things, see the need and take action. But… I do know that I am capable, and I do know I can make a difference. I know I am only one person. But, I am one person who can be a world of difference.

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